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Neuro-diversity, intersectionality, and more - new webinars!

Writer's picture: LEALEA
New training for Clinicians, Staff, and Service Leaders from lived experience perspectives.

Lived Experience Australia (LEA) is excited to announce these four unique webinars designed for clinicians, staff and service leaders. All registered participants will receive a recording of the webinar, so don't worry if you can't make it on the day. Choose one or all of the webinars to increase your skill set and understanding of these fascinating topics.

Webinar 1: Thursday 4th August, 11AM AEST

Organisational Readiness for the Lived Experience workforce

Susan Preece has worked in the mental health lived experience workforce for 15 years. Currently Susan works at Orygen, Australia as Senior Family/Carer Consultant, as well as being a consultant for the Lived Experience Workforce nationally and internationally.

This webinar will explore a range of organisational activities that welcome and embed the lived experience workforce including recruitment processes, role descriptions and policies. Discipline specific supervision and training are also required to ensure that the organisation is ready to employ any consumer and family carer role. This includes training for management and other disciplines which can uncover some of the complexities unique to working as a person with lived experience within the mental health sector and in the family/carer workforce in particular.

The fundamental element for successful establishment of lived experience roles is organisational commitment and action to create an environment where lived experience roles are fully understood, genuinely valued and authorised to operate in line with consumer and family/carer values.

A small fee ($11p/p) is applicable to this webinar to help us cover costs.

To register for this informative webinar, use the button below:

Webinar 2: Wednesday 31 August, 2022, 11AM AEST - FREE

Why we need our services to be 'multilingual' in their frameworks

Trish Tran has a lived experience management background, which includes working in senior peer support and peer coordinator roles. She currently works within the NDIS as a Recovery Coach. Trish is an Alternatives to Suicide Group Facilitator and Trainer, a Personal Medicine Coach and Trainer, a registered Circle of Security Parenting facilitator, a registered Protective Behaviours practitioner.

Trish will explore some of the diverse frameworks which people hold and use to explain and live within internal experiences. We will touch on some common reactions when service providers attempt to use a DSM framework to explain their experiences and how this ‘language gap’ can be counter-productive in developing therapeutic relationships and promoting personal recovery.

This webinar is free to anyone who wishes to attend.

Use the button below to register:

Webinar 3: Wednesday 21 September, 2022, 11AM AEST

How Neuro-Diversity could help teach us trauma informed skills

Trish Train joins us for another informative webinar, this time exploring the challenges of knowing if we are using 'trauma informed' practices, and how subjective the experience of 'trauma' can be for many people. It's clear that a 'one size fits all' approach can be problematic.

The webinar will explore what some of the most effective approaches are for working with people who have autism. These easy to understand and apply approaches can actually be the ‘gold star’ of trauma informed relationships and approaches. There will be an opportunity to spend some time examining how small changes in our approaches and understanding can enhance our ‘trauma informed skill set’.

A small fee ($11p/p) is applicable to this webinar to help us cover costs.

To register for this informative webinar, use the button below:

Webinar 4: Thursday 6 October, 2022, 11AM AEST

What is intersectionality and how to work with it in mental health

Budi Sudarto (they/he) is the Director of Ananda Training & Consultancy, a boutique agency specialising in intersectionality, inclusion, and justice. Budi came to Australia in 1998 as an international student, and they have been actively involved in Melbourne's LGBTQIA+ communities for over 20 years.

Budi will explore the topic of intersectionality and how it relates to mental health and multicultural and multifaith LGBTQIA+ communities. Participants will be guided to understand intersectionality and its origin, and the mental health impact of experiencing intersecting marginalities on multicultural and multifaith LGBTQIA+ communities.

The webinar will use both personal narratives and case studies to highlight some practical ways for clinicians/practitioners to incorporate an intersectional lens when working with diverse communities.

A small fee ($11p/p) is applicable to this webinar to help us cover costs.

To register for this webinar, use the button below:

For any further information about these webinars, please contact - we'll be happy to answer questions or provide any other support you may need in order to attend.



Lived Experience Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of all the lands on which we undertake our advocacy.

We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

We also recognise all those with lived experience of mental ill-health. We acknowledge that we can only provide leadership in systemic advocacy through valuing, respecting, and drawing upon their lived experience expertise and knowledge.

We acknowledge their enormous contribution to our work.

Lived Experience Australia National Secretariat
Phone 1300 620 042 or send us an enquiry
LEA is a registered Charity with the ACNC
LEA is an Associate Member of LGBTQI+ Health Australia
Suicide Prevention Australia Member
LEA is an Ending Loneliness Together Member Organisation

This website is run by a member of
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, click the logo to verify.


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