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Peer Workforce Checklist


This Checklist has been produced collaboratively by the National Mental Health Consumer & Carer Forum (NMHCCF) and Lived Experience Australia, through our lived experience expertise in the peer workforce. There is significant growing interest and focus on expanding and embedding the peer workforce across many parts of the mental health service system in Australia.

Purpose and Scope

This Checklist aims to outline common core elements for successful implementation of peer work and informed planning, thereby creating work environments that are fair and equitable for all concerned. It identifies strategies to address the potential pitfalls and cultural challenges with ongoing implementation of the peer work role. It is essential and indeed a responsibility that organisations invest time to understand how best to implement and work alongside the peer workforce.


Whilst this checklist focuses on peer workers providing direct support to people in contact with services and families, carers and kin, the lived experience workforce also includes advocacy and representative roles, training and research roles, and leadership roles.

Peer workers themselves are the positive result of individuals who have accessed services and implemented their own recovery strategies and families/carers/kin who have supported the journey. Therefore, having a Checklist to provide a deeper understanding of how to integrate a peer workforce successfully will be a win-win for organisations to better understand the people they serve and their needs. It is essential, therefore, that organisational leaders work with people with lived experience peer work expertise, from the outset of planning and throughout the process of implementation, to gain an understanding of the peer work role. This includes recruitment, training and supervision support needs, career development, and ongoing integration of the role.

The Checklist has been developed as a practical planning and reflective tool to assist organisations to recognise and implement a comprehensive plan to incorporate and strengthen a peer workforce. This plan maximises success for all concerned now and in the longer-term, for the organisation, its workforce and people receiving peer support. 

Download the Checklist by clicking on the image or button below.

Webinar - Introduction to the Peer Workforce Checklist

Lived Experience Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of all the lands on which we undertake our advocacy.

We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

We also recognise all those with lived experience of mental ill-health. We acknowledge that we can only provide leadership in systemic advocacy through valuing, respecting, and drawing upon their lived experience expertise and knowledge.

We acknowledge their enormous contribution to our work.

Lived Experience Australia National Secretariat
Phone 1300 620 042 or send us an enquiry
LEA is a registered Charity with the ACNC
LEA is an Associate Member of LGBTQI+ Health Australia
Suicide Prevention Australia Member
LEA is an Ending Loneliness Together Member Organisation

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