LEA Annual Reports
Lived Experience Australia is the national private mental health sector peak, and as an organisation we are committed to advocating for quality mental health services where consumers, carers, families and kin, are included as partners in care planning across all of the private and public mental health services they access.
Our annual reports offer a detailed overview of our work in advocacy, capacity and capability building, research and partnerships, highlighting the progress we have made and the challenges we have faced in our mission to ensure people with lived experience of mental ill health are heard and have a voice in the services provided to them.
You can read our latest and previous reports below.
Our 2024 Annual Report
Lived Experience Australia’s activities during this 2023-2024 financial year reflect the hard work, passion and commitment that the LEA team delivers every day to advocate for public and private mental health system improvement and build capacity for lived experience voices to be heard in mental health reform across Australia.
It has been another year of significant achievements, strengthening existing partnerships and making many new friends with equally committed advocates, allies and organisations in the mental health sector.
Our report in summary

Our representations and submissions enable lived experience voices to be heard by decision makers and considered in policy development, service design, and evaluation.
In the 2023-2024 year, we created 17 submissions, worked with 41 focus groups, and have 85 members on our representative panel.
We collect lived experience voices to strengthen our advocacy and learn what is important to individuals, families and communities. This expands the lived experience evidence base to support system-wide improvements.
This year LEA has continued to focus on strengthening evidence through lived experience research to support advocacy. We commenced 13 new research projects as partners during the year, with a further 4 research projects completed.

We work with other organisations to strengthen lived experience voices and partnerships. We come together to increase our impact and improve mental health services and the Lived Experience (Peer) workforce.
This year we have collaborated with over 27 different partner organisations, to increase the impact of our collective works.
Our learning programs cover two key areas:
1. To build capacity and capabilities of consumers, carers, families and kin in their own advocacy and representations; and
2. For clinicians and service providers to effectively engage and partner with consumers, carers, families and kin.
In the 2023-2024 year, 1,262 consumers, carers, family members, peer workers, leaders and clinicians accessed our training.